Monday, March 28, 2011

Ice Hockey

Ice hockey is a team sports played on ice, in which skaters use their sticks to hit a punk into the opponent's net. It is a fast-paced physical sport. Ice hockey is most popular in areas that are sufficiently cold for natural reliable seasonal ice cover, such as Canada, the Czech Repbulic, Latvia, the Nordic countries (especially Finland and Sweden). With the advent of indoor artificial ice rinks  it has become a year-round pastime in these areas. In the United States, ice hockey is the lesser of the fourmajor professional sports, but is followed almost religiously in Canada. In North America, the National Hokey League (NHL) is the highest level for men and both the Canadian Women's Hockey League(CWHL) and the Westren Womens Hockey Leauge  (WWHL) are the highest levels for women. It is the official national winter sports of Canada, where the game enjoys immense popularity.

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